Fiche cheval shining fortune

R2C5plathandicap 11326sha tin (hong kong)1200M136527kestrel handicap - section 212 partantsdépart à 13:15
12sky foreverH78p(23)6p6p0pavdulla b./101:09
212cool blueH6(23)7p4p4p5pteetan k./12 l
39diamond soarsH6(23)0p3p6p1pchung y.l./11 l 1/4
45robot knightH4Inéditferraris l./1cte tete
510aca powerH84p(23)3p6p1pwong e.c.w./1encolure
61flying dragonH7(23)5p3p2p0pbowman h./11/2 l
78regent gloryH74p(23)1p0p3pk c leug/11 l
86shanghai styleH4(23)0ppoon m.f./12 l
93everyone's victoryH70p(23)8p0p6pbentley h./1encolure
104colourful princeH73p(23)8p3p2phewitson l./11 l
117shining fortuneH60p(23)0p0p8patzeni a./14 l
1211red maverickH50p(23)0p0p9pyeung m.l./11/2 l

R2C4plathandicap 13214happy valley1200M136832kwun tong handicap - section 112 partantsdépart à 12:10
13togepiH55p0p3p6p1pferraris l.13/101:10
27king eccellenteH50p7p6p3p3pteetan k.16/1cte tete
36run run timingH33pmcdonald j.3.65/1encolure
49happy soulH50p6p8p3p0pchau c.l.22/11 l 1/4
51joy comingH43p7p4p1p1pho c.y.10/1cte tete
65golden luckH43p3p4p8p1pavdulla b.8.75/13/4 l
78beauty destinyH40p0p3ppurton z.3.15/12 l
812colonelH76p7p4p2p4patzeni a.11/1encolure
910courier magicH40p0p0pde melo k.97/1encolure
102shining fortuneH58p7p4p0p4pbadel a.14/11 l
1111ace talentH54p0p0p7p4phewitson l.26/12 l 1/2
124super bonusH30p0p6p3p1phamelin a.37/14 l

R2C2plathandicap 15101happy valley1200M136832chung hom kok handicap - section 212 partantsdépart à 11:10
15happy trioH52p8p4p7p3pferraris l.8.25/101:09
23exuberantH61p2p7p4p6pchau c.l.9.25/1encolure
311regent gloryH62p0p0p5p0pteetan k.4.95/1cte tete
49kasi farasiH98p4p3p5p2pavdulla b.13/11/2 l
52victory scholarsH60p7p8p5p7pchan k.h.3.15/11 l 1/4
67podiumH50p6p0p0p0pbadel a.10/11/2 l
710so awesomeH79p9p7p1p7pchadwick m.10/1tete
81shining fortuneH57p4p0p4p4ppurton z.13/1nez
94nishikadoH48p8p8p9p0pleung k.c.31/15 l
108speedy smartieH48p9p0p0p0phewitson l.21/11/2 l
1112master of allH47p0p7p0p7pyeung m.l.28/13 l 1/2
126flying on the turfH80p8p0p0p0phamelin a.59/14 l

R6C8plathandicap 15964sha tin (hong kong)1200M217527pyramid hill handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:55
111packing boleH40p0p1patzeni a./101:08
22magniacH44p5p0p1p3pavdulla b./13 l 1/2
34self improvementH41p6p2p2p5ppurton z./11/2 l
41super win dragonH69p8p5p3p3pchadwick m./12 l 1/2
55galaxy patchH41pteetan k./1nez
69everyone's victoryH64p6p1p5p8pbentley h./11/2 l
712shining fortuneH54p0p4p4p1pbadel a./15 l
83pulsar striderH56p6p3p1p1pferraris l./1encolure
96euro rocksH58p2p0p0p0pyeung m.l./1cte tete
1010victory scholarsH67p8p5p7p2pde melo k./13 l
117loveroH4Inéditchung y.l./13 l
128fast victoryH47phewitson l./11/2 l

R2C6plathandicap 17580sha tin (hong kong)1000M217527hku business school and faculty of engineering handicap14 partantsdépart à 07:35
113sparkling knightH70p1p4p0p1phamelin a./100:56
210cotton fingersH5Inédityeung m.l./1encolure
39metro warriorH73p3p4p5p0patzeni a./11 l 1/2
414shining fortuneH50p4p4p1p3pteetan k./1encolure
53explosive witnessH97p2p0p8p0pbentley h./1encolure
66sinbaH50p0p5p0p3pferraris l./1cte tete
72california deeplyH46p8p4p2p5pavdulla b./13/4 l
85flying highH69p1p1p1p2pchadwick m./13/4 l
97ka ying spiritH66p1p4p(22)7pbowman h./1cte tete
108cheval valiantH52p7p2p1p3phewitson l./1tete
114run run coolH68p6p3p2p8ppurton z./12 l
1211amazing rockyH79p0p1p2p0pchau c.l./1encolure
131pleasant endeavorH64p3p2p5p1pchung y.l./11 l 1/2
1412happy missionH68p4p5p4p6pleung k.c./12 l 1/2

R6C2plathandicap 24118sha tin (hong kong)1200M130788piper's hill handicap - sec 212 partantsdépart à 11:45
Non-partants : 9
12smokey bearH66p2p6p7ppurton z./101:09
27cool blueH54p6p0p(22)7pleung k.c./1cte tete
310colourful princeH68p0p1p(22)3pchung y.l./1cte tete
41shining fortuneH54p1p3p5p0pteetan k./11/2 l
55sergeant pepperH60p8p3p0p9pavdulla b./12 l
612vamosH68p4p4p0pbadel a./1cte tete
76master of allM40p7ppoon m.f./11 l 3/4
84lucky bannerH48p1p7p9pcurrie l./1encolure
93life is goodH40p7p8p0p0pbentley h./14 l
108call me teddyH55p9p8p8p0pde sousa s./13 l
9noble oneH50p7p0p4p5pho c.y./1
11hurry hurry richH40p0p0p0pchau c.l./1

R2C5plathandicap 24958sha tin (hong kong)1200M130788mount davis handicap12 partantsdépart à 07:00
12everyone's victoryH65p8p0p0pbowman h./101:09
210keen unityH49p6p0p0pmaia r./1encolure
34the best heroH63p(22)3p5plai h.w./13/4 l
41shining fortuneH51p3p5p0pteetan k./12 l 1/2
57call me teddyH59p8p8p0pwong h.n./1cte tete
69i giveH52p0p8p(22)6pbadel a./1tete
78singapore spiritH50p0p0p(22)5pchung y.l./1encolure
83lucky bannerH41p7p9p(22)7pcurrie l./1encolure
912lucky rubyH75p0p0p(22)3pde sousa s./11 l 1/2
105the multiplierH64p1p5p3phewitson l./12 l
1111handsome rebelH87p9p7p7pchadwick m./13/4 l
126sweet diamondH66p0p(22)0p0pleung k.c./110 l

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